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Health, Politics
Surveillance—watching over through human and/or non-human technologies for an intended purpose—can connote a dystopian imaginary in which all activity becomes...
December 2023
by Vita Peacock, Mikkel Kenni Bruun, Claire Elisabeth Dungey, Matan Shapiro
Health, Kinship
Palliative care
Palliative care has been developing since the 1960s as a form of caregiving that focuses on the relief of suffering when there is no prospect of a cure or when a patient...
October 2023
by Natashe Lemos Dekker
Health, Politics
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a global disease that involves the body’s impaired ability to regulate blood sugar (glucose) due to malfunctioning insulin, a hormone produced in the...
May 2023
by Shir Lerman Ginzburg
Health, Theory
Mental Health
When we talk about mental health, we could seem to be talking about some self-evident reality. However, the very notion of mental health can be seen to both assume and...
April 2023
by Mikkel Kenni Bruun
Health, Theory
Intellectual disability
‘Intellectual disability’ is a widely used psychiatric category that conceives of certain minds as impaired in their development. By approaching intellectual disability from a cross-...
February 2023
by Patrick McKearney, Tyler Zoanni
Health, Politics
Pandemics tend to be defined as large epidemics, i.e. as sudden and widespread rises in disease incidence that occur over a very wide area, cross international boundaries, and affect...
March 2022
by Frédéric Keck
Health, Politics
To know what men are, anthropologists look beyond dictionary definitions, personal experience, and opinions and study societies across the globe and throughout history. They study...
November 2021
by Matthew Gutmann
Health, Religion
There is something phenomenologically basic about the human experience of awareness, or consciousness. All ethnographies describe people who think, feel, imagine, hope, and are aware...
October 2021
by Tanya Marie Luhrmann
Health, Kinship
There are many universal assumptions about what care is and how it ought to be provided. Such assumptions are widely embedded in public debates, government policies, and...
September 2021
by Patrick McKearney, Megha Amrith
Health, Theory
Phenomenology is one of the most influential philosophical traditions of the twentieth century and has significantly shaped contemporary anthropological and social theory. This entry...
August 2021
by Jarrett Zigon, Jason Throop
Health, Theory
Medical pluralism
Medical pluralism describes the availability of different medical approaches, treatments, and institutions that people can use while pursuing health: for example, combining...
June 2021
by Venera Khalikova
Health, Theory
Cannibalism, the eating of one’s own kind, is a practice that occurs in both humans and non-humans. Some people consumed their own kin to ensure that their spirits joined those of...
June 2021
by Shirley Lindenbaum
Economics, Health
Depression, which psychiatrists regard as a most common mental illness, has been examined by anthropologists especially closely since the 1980s. While most medical experts consider...
March 2021
by Junko Kitanaka, Stefan Ecks
Health, Politics
What is addiction? As an umbrella term, addiction is often used to describe activities where there is an overwhelming drive to engage in destructive, distressing or compulsive...
October 2020
by Joshua Burraway
Health, Theory
Numbers, enumeration, and the quantification of contemporary life seem to govern our existence more and more. Particularly since the dawn of the twenty-first century, the importance...
October 2020
by Marlee Tichenor
Economics, Health
Professions are institutionalised bodies of specialised knowledge and practice around which divisions of labour within contemporary societies are organised. As well as performing a...
April 2020
by Elizabeth Hull
Health, Politics
The concept of autism is historically contingent. It did not exist, in any proper sense, before it was invoked by medical and mental health professionals in the twentieth century....
September 2019
by Ben Belek
Health, Politics
Global health
Global health is a field of expertise that has emerged at the turn of the twenty-first century alongside changing disease profiles, health technologies, and governance structures....
June 2019
by Emily Yates-Doerr, Kenneth Maes
Health, Politics
Activities that one can retrospectively label as ‘sport’ have probably been part of human beings’ repertoire for millennia, but sports as we know them today are the product of a...
May 2019
by Niko Besnier, Susan Brownell
Health, Religion
The variety of ways in which death has been handled in human societies has been a source of much scholarly fascination. In this brief overview, anthropological approaches to the...
July 2018
by Bob Simpson
Health, Politics
Disability is a form of difference that is created when the social participation of someone with an impairment is ‘dis-abled’ by normative expectations and material conditions...
June 2018
by Clara Devlieger